Sunday, July 13, 2008

God's humor

The other night I woke up around 1 am to the sounds of someone getting sick in the bathroom. I quickly went to see what was going on. My middle son was leaning over the toilet. (I am so glad he is finally getting old enough to make it to the bathroom even in the middle of the night!) I got a cold wet washcloth and began wipping his face while sitting on the edge of the tub. He started to get sick again, so I just rubbed his back. He slowly looks up and says the cutest thing.

"Uhh, huu?
"Wish God didn't make fro-up."
"Me too, son... or mosquitos."

I believe that God has a great sense of humor. How else do you explain things such as ants, flies, poison ivy, and kudzu? Or how our bodies make such unpleasant smells and embarassing sounds? I love that God has a sense of humor. It helps me be able to laugh at myself!!

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