Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What a long enlightening day

I had to take Janessa to the hospital this morning for blood work. She did great and only whimpered once. She has more strength and endurance than any 9 year old should possess. I am so proud of the way she is handling all this.

Brayden went for his first set of allergy shots. My sweet baby has to get two shots twice a week. He wasn't very happy, but did great considering.

I am once again reminded how blessed I am. I love my children. They bring me such joy. I love to sit and talk to each of them. Janessa is such a deep thinker. She is constantly mulling over whatever topic is at hand and doesn't hesitate to keep asking questions until she is satisfied. Carson is so simplistic. I really have to work to get anything out of him. He answers all my questions with one-word answers until I hit on a topic of interest. Then he goes into great detail! Brayden is so animated and still so hard to understand. He bubbles over with excitement and words just tumble out. He talks nonstop, but I only catch about half. I have to piece it all together and nod until I do!

I am so blessed with great friends. Ones that listen, don't judge and give great advice. Ones that I love and know that they love me too! I have just been reminded today about how blessed I am!

Now I must try and get some sleep...insomnia is really getting too me I think. My emotions are really running high!

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