Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Letters in the mail

We got another letter in the mail today from Anthony. It is so weird to anxiously wait for mail these days. I am so use to getting instant gratification when I want to hear from someone by picking up the phone and calling. Or at the least, using email. I hardly ever am anticipating mail like I am now. We are constantly waiting for letters from Anthony and now from Janessa too. She is at Girl Scout horse camp this week.

The letter said he is doing well. He actually seems to enjoy some of the training he is doing. Or at least he's trying to convince us he's enjoying it. I haven't quite figured it all out yet. He is graduating from boot camp on August 1st and we are planning a vacation around it. I am excited to see him. After graduation, we wont be able to see him again until December, but he will be able to talk on the phone more then.

His address is listed below if anyone wants to write him.
Anthony Garner
ACO 2nd BN
39th INF 4th PLT
10402 Hampton Parkway
Ft. Jackson, SC 29207

Write a #4 on the back of the envelope to speed up the sorting process.

Smiles and blessings,

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